

what makes women's softball so explosive

Why Women’s Softball Growth is so Explosive

Women’s softball has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, both at the college and professional level. As more opportunities emerge, talented athletes are stepping onto the field with passion and determination. We have to recognize increasingly significant milestones, statistics, and inspiring quotes from

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Nutrition and hydration for on field performance

Nutrition for On-Field Performance

Does a baseball player’s diet really affect on-field performance? The short answer is yes. Nutrition plays a key role in supporting baseball players’ health and performance on the field. The right nutrition can help an athlete improve their energy, speed, mobility and focus. 

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Strength training
Strength and Conditioning

The 3 Types of Training You NEED to Do

There are three interconnected training elements that when combined, are a powerful weapon for increasing your health span (how long you live healthy and disease free). Focusing on only 1 or 2 of the three elements will leave you missing key ingredients for

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